Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wishing all Mothers Peace and Contentment

 We take this opportunity to offer all Mothers our respect and heartfelt wishes for a “Happy Mother’s Day!”

We also recognize that the mothers of the 276 recently kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls will not have a day of joy nor peace until their girls are returned to them unharmed.

Hope for Limpopo battles to recognize the vital importance of human rights including the rights of all women and children. The kidnapping of these innocent girls is an intolerable travesty. HFL strives to emphasize the importance of educating all youngsters as the key to eradicating poverty. As NBC news reported, These girls were the greatest hopes of their families, striving for an education in a place where only 25 percent of girls are literate, aspiring to be teachers and doctors. “ Boko Haram, the extremists carrying on this reign of terror have caused most schools to be closed in this region.
Rather than enjoying a “Happy Mother’s Day”, these tormented mothers are forced to wait for the unlikely return of their young daughters.
As Mothers, celebrate your own families but remember and stand in solidarity with these other heartbroken Mothers.