Saturday, May 24, 2014

Even's Follow-Up

Our April 15th blog spoke about the unfortunate and rare disease, lamellar ichthyosis, afflicting 7 year old Evens. His mother’s frantic plea for assistance in relieving her son’s pain and suffering was heard by TVEP who then sought help from HFL followers…and they responded! We wish to thank everyone who answered with words of encouragement, prayers, suggestions, financial support and those who made important connections.

Thank you Maureen for contacting your physician friend, head of the UTMB dermatology department who has had experience working in underserved countries. Your suggestions for preventing infection and alleviating the odor problem were invaluable. Shoba, Betty, Karen, Evelyn and so many other followers helped out, urging us to continue to seek answers.

Stacey from Hong Kong reached out to a contact connected to the Netcare Group that operates the largest private hospital network in South Africa.  Because of Stacey’s diligence, we now have a Netcare representative who is overseeing Evens’ care.  They will provide all of the required skin applications and consultations.  Medications will be a last resort due to unwanted side affects but daily salt baths are recommended.  Thankfully Evens’ current medical needs are now being taken care of.

HFL will continue to address Evens’ other numerous challenges and we will keep you posted as to the outcome. He needs a large outdoor tub in which to bathe since his family has no indoor plumbing. Discrimination and teasing remains troublesome so we will look for funds to buy a laptop, tablet or ipad to assist in his schooling. These are hopefully all things to come.

Today we thank you for your support and continued awareness that YOU can make an important difference in someone’s life without spending a dime.  ‘Like’ us on facebook and help us spread the word.
