“Ubuntu (oo-boon-too)
I am because we are”
is a traditional African belief and a term for human-ness, for caring, sharing
and being in harmony with all of creation. It is all about the essence of being
human. Ubuntu embraces caring about others, being willing to go the extra mile
for the sake of another. Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, “…"…(Ubuntu) is the
essence of being human. We believe that a person is a person through other persons
(and) that my humanity is caught up, inextricably bound up in yours…it speaks
about wholeness, it speaks about compassion. A person with ubuntu is welcoming,
warm and generous, willing to share. Such people are open and available to
others, willing to be vulnerable, affirming of others, do not feel threatened
that others are able and good, for they have a proper self-assurance that comes
from knowing that they belong in a greater whole. One seeks to work for the common good because your humanity comes into
its own in community, in belonging.”
Hope for Limpopo exists because our
faithful followers practice “ubuntu”. Whether you send us a donation or a word
of encouragement or perhaps you take precious time to read our blogs, check out
our website or spread the word by ‘liking’ us on facebook, please know that you
are practicing ‘unbuntu’ and we are grateful.
“Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu” (I am because we are)”. THANK