Monday, March 2, 2015

Westfield State University Student Joins the HFL Team

“Hello! My name is Deryn Copeland and I can’t wait to spend my semester working with the awesome people here at Hope for Limpopo, Inc. I was provided a list of possible organizations and offices to work with, but Hope for Limpopo was the one to catch my eye. I am and have been involved with non-profits for a while; however, small grassroots organizations with meaningful personal connections, like the ones Hope for Limpopo was built upon, hold a special place in my heart. When I discovered the story behind the creation of Hope for Limpopo I knew I would be working with a dedicated, caring, and passionate group of people! I will work hard to bring that same passion into the projects I will do for Hope for Limpopo this semester, as it is such a pure-hearted and worthy cause.”

When it comes to achieving our goals, we at Hope for Limpopo, Inc. know that anyone interested in our cause has something valuable to bring to the table. We are always looking for new avenues supporting the HFL cause. That is why when Professor Leah Nielsen of Westfield State University approached HFL with an opportunity to obtain the services of a student volunteer and a fresh perspective to its cause, everyone at HFL was very excited.

Professor Nielsen is currently running a Career Preparation for Writers course at WSU. One of the course assignments involves pairing a student with a campus based office or organization, which, in turn, will provide each student with valuable real-life writing experience. Each student writes proposals for 2 work options explaining what makes the position desirable and how he/she is qualified to support the organization. Professor Nielsen then proceeds to pair a student with the organization of their choice; thus, a wonderful partnership is created.

This semester we’re thrilled and honored to welcome Deryn Copeland, a Senior WSU student majoring in English. Along with weekly blog posts and Facebook updates, Deryn will be working to create an informational and inspiring PowerPoint presentation introducing our work and encouraging newcomers to get involved with an HFL cause.

Our first amazing WSU intern, Alaina Leary, continues to make important contributions to HFL and will be featured in an upcoming blog. Watch for it!

HFL Intern Deryn