Thursday, April 3, 2014

Tshivhilidulu Creche and litshani Creche

It’s not unusual to see a sign for a local crèche while driving through a village. Thisyear we were welcomed at 2 different crèches. What exactly IS a ‘creche’?Basically, it is simply a daycare facility for otherwise unattended childrenages 0-5 years of age. In the midst of the most impoverished areas of ruralLimpopo are children who are either left unattended while their mothers work;are left alone while their young mothers attend school; or have been orphanedby AIDS. A 2008 ‘Child Gauge’report claims that 70,000+ orphans live in the Limpopo region and half of theseorphans live in child headed households. 75% of children in Limpopo are fromdisadvantaged backgrounds and are routinely left by themselves and vulnerable.The Tshivhilidulu Creche and the Litshani Creche are two wonderful examples ofprograms striving to provide brighter opportunities for the youngest, mostvulnerable children in the Limpopo area. These creches vary significantly fromothers both in their service delivery and their intent.

Litshani Creche

Tshivhilidulu Creche

Sylviaand Bridgette founded the Tshivhilidulu Creche and the Litshani Crecherespectively and are committed to providing daily food and shelter for needychildren while they prepare them for life’s challenges in a protectedenvironment. They provide a safe haven for these children from 6:30 AM to 4:30PM offering them a nutritious meal and supervision. While the facilities aremeager, both Sylvia and Bridgette take no pay and are working to fulfill theirdreams of a better beginning for vulnerable children. Initially the childrensat wide-eyed staring at our very white faces but they were soon singing andclapping. Well-used picture books sat in corners of both crèches and we droppedoff rubber balls donated by a HFL supporter. At some point, Hope for Limpopowould like tooffer our followers a chance to support these crèches. Watch for thisopportunity!