Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back from a Quick Trip to South Africa

Stacey and Troy, our Australian friends, arrived in JoBurg on June 17th. After a whirlwind tour of filming South African ‘hotspots’ which included our very own Tshilidzini Special School (TSS), they’ve finally landed back in Sydney….anxious to share their photos and ready to create their video for us.

A brief e-mail from Stacey revealed the disparate feelings we also had when we first visited TSS. When one first drives through the gates of the school, the immaculate grounds, friendly staff and smiling children do not prepare you for the lack of books, supplies and proper equipment needed to run a school for children with special needs. While teachers asked for a “CD player, soccer balls and a pump, scales for weighing their students and books, books, books...” they are obviously unaware of the host of special equipment, supplies and services available to special needs students in developed countries.

Stacey and Troy clearly felt the love and dedication provided by the entire staff at TSS but unfortunately, “love” cannot supply these children with essential wheelchairs or braille machines much less missing shoes and socks, cutlery for meals, and sheets for their bare mattresses.

As our HFL friends share more photos, video clips and information about TSS in the coming weeks, we will stream it straight to you, our loyal followers.