Monday, October 3, 2011

Tshilidzini Special School

Classroom for visually impaired children

Jenna Praschma, Sector Manager for TVEP’s Access to Justice and Trauma Services, brought us to the Tshilidzini Special School, located in the village of Shayandima. Tshildzini Special School, created in 1971, is a boarding school for hearing, visual and/or physically disabled children, many of whom are from impoverished families unable to afford specialized treatment. The school is currently at capacity with 483 learners.

While we were quite impressed by the well groomed grounds, dedicated staff and well behaved students, we were dismayed to hear that the school receives government support of only R15/day for each student which equals $1.81 per student per day. Keep in mind that this is a boarding school which not only houses the students but feeds them 3 meals a day AND educates them. Most of us in the US couldn’t buy breakfast for that amount of money.

The students and teachers alike welcomed us into the classrooms and demonstrated resourceful learning/teaching techniques with the limited supplies available to them. Mr. Luies, Deputy Principal, admitted that he has physical therapy equipment languishing in a storeroom for lack of qualified personnel to operate it. We witnessed visually impaired students pounding away on antiquated Braille typewriters and no specialized auditory equipment for the auditory impaired. Updated equipment and specialized professionals (OT/PT/SLP/TVI/O&M) are non-existent. School supplies are meager.

It came as no surprise to us that the school was unfamiliar with what various worldwide community service organizations such as the Peace Corps have to offer. The school personnel are stretched thin and simply have no time nor resources to access this information. Hope for Limpopo will make an effort to network with TSS but unfortunately we are also stretched thin at this time.

If you know of service organizations which might be willing to fund raise for TSS or if you have the capability to research grants and are able to complete the grant application then please contact us. Unfortunately we are unable to apply for these grants ourselves at this time but would be more than happy to assist you with the necessary information.